Real Estate Local MarketSellers June 22, 2022

What is the Coastal Construction Control Line?

CCCL: What is the Coastal Construction Control Line?

What is the Coastal Construction Control Line?
In order to protect, preserve, and manage Florida’s sandy beaches and coastal system, the Legislature adopted the Florida Beach and Shore Preservation Act, contained in Parts I and II of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes. The Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL) Program, one of three interrelated components of the Statewide Beach Management Program, protects the beach and dune system from imprudent upland construction which could weaken, damage, or destroy the integrity of the system.

The CCCL is a Jurisdictional Boundary – Not a Setback Line
The CCCL is a line of jurisdiction, defining the landward limit of the Department’s authority to regulate construction. The CCCL is not a setback line or line of prohibition. New construction as well as additions, remodeling, and repairs to existing structures are allowed seaward of the control line; however, such structures and activities, unless exempt by rule or law, require a CCCL permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Is Your Homesite Within the CCCL?
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has an interactive map where you can find out if your homesite is within the CCCL. To use the map, click on the link below to go to the CCCL map. Start entering your address in the search box at the top-right of the screen. As you type, your address should show up in a list below the search box. Once your address shows up in the list, click on it.

> CCCL Map
> Instructions on How to Use the CCCL Map (PDF)

Location of the CCCL
The control line represents the landward limit of the significant damage to upland structures from water forces from a one-hundred year coastal storm. Structures located seaward of the CCCL are expected to be impacted by the high winds and storm surges which accompany such severe storms and therefore should be designed and built to withstand those forces

CCCL Program Administration
Chapter 62B-33, Florida Administrative code, provides the design and siting requirements that must be met to obtain a coastal construction control line permit. Approval or denial of a permit application is based upon a review of the potential impacts to the beach dune system, adjacent properties, native salt resistant vegetation and marine turtles.

Code officials and design professionals are required to comply with the building code requirement for both the CCCL and flood hazard areas, and must ensure that the more restrictive provisions prevail.

Helpful CCCL Links
> CCCL Permitting Documents
> CCCL Permitting Contacts
> CCCL Rules & Regulations
Florida Beaches & Coastal Systems

Helpful CCCL Publications
> Homeowner’s Guide to the CCCL Program (PDF)
> Frequently Asked Questions About the CCCL (PDF)
> How to Determine if Your Property if Seaward of the CCCL (PDF)
> Coastal Construction Items of Concern (PDF)
> Coastal Armoring Policy and Guidelines (PDF)